Prayer in Motion Lock-in is for any and all High School teens who are open to learn more about prayer

May 10th & 11th

7:00PM Fri to 12:00PM Sat

Our Lady of the Rosary

COST: $30

Registration is due APRIL 21ST


July 14th - 18th

Registration is due MAY 31ST.

We have sponsorships available, so please register today! 

Cost for Camp RIM 2024: 




iGnite is the name for our youth ministry program here at OLR. Although we want all of our youth to make an "impact" on the world, we realize that first we must ignite their faith for Christ. It is not only our name, it also describes our mission! We are fired up about it!! 

Mission Statement:

We ignite young people to develop a deeper relationship with Christ, encourage authentic Christian relationships with one another, while becoming humble servants and powerful witnesses to all those around them.  


So.....are you excited to start this year and encounter one another and Christ? We are planning an outstanding year full of fun, faith and friends! This year will be like none other! We will have service and socials; however, our lessons will be great nights to encounter the power of Christ. Through the power of a sacraments, prayer and conversion you will encounter your faith in the coolest way ever! Watch out for great events like ICYC, retreats, adoration, praise and worship, and your faith in really big ways.

Students in 6th -12th grade are welcome to iGnite their faith on Sunday's 3:30-5:30 PM.

All teens and families are welcome to join us for Mass at 5:30PM.


Fall 2023



If you are between the grades 9 - 12th you get to be confirmed! We are changing things up a bit this year so that you can get the most out of your confirmation experience. We will be offering 3 different RIM days & 2 different weekends that candidates can choose from to attend: RIM - Nov 5th, Dec 3rd or Feb 11th. Retreat - Jan 12-14th or March 22-24th. Please sign up for which RIM day & weekend you would like to do.


For more information about assisting with this ministry contact Noelle Atha.



5:30 PM (youth sponsored) Mass

It is such an awesome way to serve our parish community by participating in the Mass in such a special way. If you feel called to serve at our weekly youth mass, please fill out this following form.