Jr High Camp!!
All incoming 7th-9th graders are welcome to attend this year’s Jr High Camp in Stanley, Idaho
Cost for Camp is $350 + $75 bus fee
It will be held @ Camp Perkins Mon June 16th @ 5pm to Fri June 20th @ 12pm
We will be staying in cabins :)
CLICK HERE to register!
Camp Rim!!
All incoming 10th-12th graders are welcome to attend this year’s Camp Rim in Cascade, Idaho
Cost for Camp is $300
It will be held @ Camp John Paul II Sun July 13th @ 5pm to Thu July 17th @ 12pm
We will be staying in cabins :)
CLICK HERE to register!
IGnite is the name for our youth ministry program here at OLR. Although we want all of our youth to make an "impact" on the world, we realize that first we must ignite their faith for Christ. It is not only our name, it also describes our mission! We are fired up about it!!
Mission Statement:
We ignite young people to develop a deeper relationship with Christ, encourage authentic Christian relationships with one another, while becoming humble servants and powerful witnesses to all those around them.
So.....are you excited to start this year and encounter one another and Christ? We are planning an outstanding year full of fun, faith and friends! This year will be like none other! We will have service and socials; however, our lessons will be great nights to encounter the love of Christ. Through the beauty of the sacraments, prayer and conversion you will encounter your faith in the coolest way ever! Watch out for great events like ICYC, retreats, adoration, praise and worship, and your faith in really big ways.
Fall 2024
You may pay online by clicking the button below and please mention in the Description box “IGnite Youth Ministry Fee”
Students in 6th -12th grade are welcome to IGnite their faith on Sunday's 3:30-5:00 PM.
All teens and families are welcome to join us for Mass at 5:30PM.
If you are between the grades 9 - 12th you get to be confirmed! We are changing things up a bit this year so that you can get the most out of your confirmation experience. Please sign up ASAP so we can start our Confirmation journey on-time :)
For more information about assisting with this ministry contact Noelle Atha.
You may pay online by clicking the button below and please mention in the Description box “Youth Sacrament Fee”