Catholic Schools — Our Lady of the Rosary
Home Search Phone: (208)343-9041

Elementary and Kindergarten

Our Lady of the Rosary Parish cooperates with Sacred Heart Parish in providing a wonderful kindergarten and elementary level school for our students. A bi-parish school board in cooperation with the pastors and Parish Life Directors assists the principal and staff in directing this school located at Sacred Heart Parish at Latah & Cassia streets. Catholic students who attend either OLR or Sacred Heart Parish receive a special rate for tuition. For information see website at :


High School

Our Lady of the Rosary Parish cooperates with six other Ada County parishes in sponsoring our local Catholic High School. Bishop Kelly High School located close to the Town Square Mall is the only Catholic High School in Idaho. It is governed by a Board of Governance consisting of members from each of the parishes. Catholic students who attend one of the sponsoring parishes receive a special rate for tuition. For information see website at: