Women of OLR — Our Lady of the Rosary
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Women of OLR

All ladies of OLR are considered members of the OLR women’s organization. The Women of OLR seek to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. Under this umbrella, smaller groups of women convene to assist with altar linen care, funeral dinners, women’s socials, church receptions, and special projects & events.

Contact Diana Jensen at the parish office if you would like to lend your talents to any of these ministries.


Martha's & Mary's

The Martha's and Mary's is a women’s service group which seeks to serve and build OLR’s parish community by:

  • Hosting women’s socials for the ladies in the parish.

  • Serving funeral meals for families and friends of deceased community members.

  • Serving meals for priest and deanery gatherings held at OLR.

  • Serving an annual staff appreciation lunch to honor OLR staff members.

Contact Mary Jo Dickson, 890-5097 or