Mass Times link — Our Lady of the Rosary
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The purpose of the Mass Times ministry is to help Catholics get to Mass by helping them find churches and worship times worldwide. We do this by hosting and sharing the most comprehensive database of Catholic churches and worship times in existence. Dioceses, parishes, and many volunteers help us keep the database current. We also host the website that our visitors use to search for Mass times.

It can be difficult for Catholics to find a Mass when traveling or when it is not practical to attend their regular parishes. It is not always easy to find the right diocesan or parish websites. Mass Times makes it much easier to search for a Mass by presenting all the possibilities in a geographical area on one page. We provide worship times, church locations, contact information, website links and maps. There are 117,000 churches in 201 countries/territories.

Since Mass Times began its ministry we have performed over 150 million church lookups for visitors to our website. Mass Times cooperates with parishes, dioceses and bishops' councils and conferences to assemble the information about the churches. Mass Times only lists Catholic churches that are on diocesan web sites or information provided by a dioceses.