Adult Education
Too often we think of faith formation in terms of religious education and specifically for children. Yet children are presented the faith in developmentally appropriate ways. Only as adults, are we finally able to penetrate the meanings and implications of the mystery of God's love and incarnation. Only as adults, can we connect the teachings and practice of our faith with spirituality and the movements of our daily lives. The journey of faith formation can not end with grade school or even high school. It is truly lifelong, just as our journey of relationship with God is lifelong.
The term "Adult Faith Formation" necessarily covers a lot of ground. Adults come to the Church with a many different desires, backgrounds, education and needs. Our bishops have said to us that Adult Faith Formation is to be the heart of the catechetical vision and practice. (Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us, no 6). It is our hope that you will find something here to help you on your journey with God through study, fellowship, prayer and sacraments.
Bible study and a variety of other religious topics.
Classes will begin this fall: theme, dates, and time to be announced
Inspirational Resources for Faith Formation
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Our Lady of the Rosary Parishioners have unlimited access to the Formed website.