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Liturgy Plan


Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)

April 3, 2016


Introit: “As newborn babes, alleluia”


Gathering:  The Strife Is O’er # 566


Glory to God:  Mass of St. Ann (thru-composed)


Liturgy of the Word


Psalm 118:  Give Thanks to the Lord, for He is good (Ineck)


Alleluia: Mass of St. Ann


Liturgy of the Eucharist



Preparation:  Many and One # 414



Holy, Mem Acc, Amen, Lamb of God:  Mass of St. Ann  



Communion:   Ubi Caritas (Hurd) # 337     


Jesus Messiah (Songbook 72)


Recession:  At the Name (Songbook 79)

Earlier Event: April 2
Kate/Olivia/Lawrence Mary
Later Event: April 4
Children's Choir