Knights of Columbus Potatoes and Onions

The Knights of Columbus at Our Lady of the Rosary coordinates potato and onion sales every October and November as a fundraiser for various Knights of Columbus supported charities. Last year, half of the funds raised went to Catholic Relief Services.  This is also a great way to bring home some excellent potatoes and onions for your family’s thanksgiving meal.

Many parishioners at OLR also purchase a bag of potatoes and onions to go in thanksgiving food boxes which are collected after Masses on the weekend before thanksgiving and distributed to our neighbors in need across the Treasure Valley.   You should also know that these are Idaho Potatoes which are the best in the world and will be available for pick up at OLR on the weekend before thanksgiving.

Please contact the parish office at 208-343-9041 with any questions.

Special Instructions

Please make a choice below.  If you would like a different combination of bags of P&O than the form below shows, use the custom amount and put in the correct amount and leave a comment with the details of what you want and how many.